
"Do you know that I almost got killed/你知道我差点就死了吗?"

We didn't lose any money and it took half an hour for the NYPD police to come after we called the police. We filled out some forms and my friend kept shaking.

"Do you realize that we could have almost died?"
"Why did I agree to take this FUCKING ASSIGNMENT from you?"
Actually, the near-death experience wasn't too much of a stretch for me. The aftermath was there, but I could adjust my emotions.
What I really found impossible to face was this: these accidents affected others - my interviewees. My friends. I hate myself for not being able to protect the people I care about, even though I'm not even capable of defending myself.

"Death". It keeps coming around.

My roommate was making milk tea when I got home. She asked me why my face looked so bad, and I said it was nothing. It was because of some problems at work.

Suddenly, I realized that human life is fragile. There are countless ways to end a life full of ambitions and dreams that you are struggling with.

"You should write this down" My therapist suggested.
